Antioxidants help to reduce oxidative stress built up in the body during exercise. Adding anti-inflammatory foods into the diet is great for athletes who put stress on their body on a regular basis. Exercise can create excess inflammation in the body due to the physical stress on the body, so it is even more important for athletes to consume anti-inflammatory foods.
Having Navel oranges in a smoothie assist in skin health, maintaining blood sugar and blood pressure levels. Navel oranges are also high in vitamin C, fibre, and potassium. Adding this anti-inflammatory smoothie in your weekly nutrition is a great way to assist in decreasing inflammation, and boost the immune system to help optimize recovery in between training sessions.
Throw all ingredients into your blender and blend very well until creamy. Pour into glasses and enjoy!
Add protein powder, hemp seeds, or nut butter
Sweeten with raw honey or soaked dates