HLP - Mindset Monday #27 - Empathy

Coach A chats empathy on the Hockey Lab Podcast.
Coach A
April 22, 2024
HLP - Mindset Monday #27 - Empathy

Coach A


April 22, 2024

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[00:00:00] What is going on everyone? Welcome back to the Hockey Lab Podcast. As always, I'm your host, Coach A. It's Monday, and that means one thing and one thing only. That means it's Mindset Monday. If you're a long time listener, welcome back. If you're new to the pod, welcome. We do one of these every single week.

Five minutes or less talking about the concept of mental preparation. The idea is that you listen, execute, listen, execute. You do this week after week after week. You build up compound interest. You build up enough compound interest around anything, and it is hard not to succeed. Before we hop into today's episode, as always, if you're enjoying the pod, if you're finding value, please go on and leave a review. We're trying to grow this thing to a million hockey players, and that's something that we can only do with your help. So if the HLP is providing the good stuff in your life, please. Consider taking 30, 40 seconds, leaving a quick review, letting us know what you think about the pod.

All right. Without further ado, let's hop into it on today's episode. I want to talk about empathy last week. We talked about entitlement and I was a bit aggressive on the pod today. We're gonna take a slightly different take and talk about empathy. And I think it's a very important discussion. You know, the world of elite sports and sports in general is [00:01:00] driven by the alpha type personalities. A type personalities. There's a lot of jockeying and posturing and Yeah. Some of that is important. Confidence is undoubtedly a huge factor in success. And for some athletes, you know, taking that sort of stance and, and showing this tough, rugged exterior helps them be successful.

And, you know, I think there's a place for it, but on the flip side, there's also an opportunity for empathy for you as a teammate and as a player, coach, whatever it might be. And so, so what does that mean? Well, to be empathetic means to have an understanding of others feelings. Right. And I know it's something that I'm certainly guilty of.

I have little patience. I index low on patients and I have high expectations of myself certainly and of my teammates. And so when things don't go our way, I can be a little abrasive about it. You know, that's not, I don't think that's completely fair because everyone has stuff going on in their life.

So for you as a teammate, I think it's worthwhile to put yourself [00:02:00] in the shoes of those around you and take a second to really listen and understand what's going on in their life and realize that. You know, just because it's not your struggle, it doesn't mean that it's not their struggle and it doesn't mean that it's not something challenging.

So this week I'm challenging you to listen. to understand, to try and appreciate the situation that your teammates are in, and then use that to help develop better relationships. And if you can develop those deeper relationships inside your team, you can develop more trust and the more trust you develop, the easier it is to be successful because you can act in a manner that is fully committed.

You know that everyone has your back. And that no one is looking to pull one over on each other. And that's why trust is so important and empathy is a huge driver behind that. So that's it. Listen more, trying to appreciate the situation that your teammates are in and use that to build trust. Have a great week, guys.

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